Originally created for Digital Mapping at the encouragement of Professor John Van Hoesen, this blog has developed into a digital portfolio of my work. It contains works-in-progress, musings on my coursework, and some polished work too. Unless otherwise noted, much of the work on this blog is unfinished. Please note that the maps might not be compatible with your browser or operating system and that some might require plugins.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Welsh Green Dragons - Google Earth with Overlay
Meant to fulfill the requirements for Map 6: Advanced Google Earth Techniques.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Green Mountain College Campus
1. Recorded GPS points using an iPhone.
2. Added placemarks to Google Earth using the GPS coordinates.
3. Added a transparent image overlay on Google Earth that acts as the border for the Google Earth Gadget.
4. Used the Snapshot View function within Google Earth to lock the focus onto the image overlay.
5. Saved the placemarks and image overlay as a .kmx file.
6. Uploaded the .kmx file to Dropbox.
7. Used the link to the Dropbox file along with the Google Earth gadget customizer to create the map.
8. Embedded the gadget code in this post.
Some nice demonstration of signal bounce off the buildings.
Meant to fulfill the requirements for Map 5: KML from GPS Points.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The Welsh Green Dragons - Google Map
Meant to fulfill the requirements for Map 2: Google Maps + Photos & Video.