Friday, December 14, 2012

" strongly resist changes in their information flows, especially in their rules and goals. It is not surprising that those who benefit from the current system actively oppose such revision. Entrenched political, economic, and religious cliques can constrain almost entirely the attempts of an individual or small group to operate by different rules or to attain goals different from those sanctioned by the system. Innovators can be ignored, marginalized, ridiculed, denied promotions or resources or public voices. They can be literally or figuratively snuffed out."

Meadows, Donella, Jørgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows. "Tools for the Transition," in The Localization Reader: Adapting to the Coming Downshift, eds. Raymond De Young and Thomas Princen(Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2012): 313.

Green Mountain College Safe(r) Zone Map

Modified from a MapBox template, this map shows the % of Safe(r) Zone Certified individuals in each room. It took quite a bit of work, but this is the first map I've made using a significant amount of HTML and some JavaScript, hosted on DropBox. The maps themselves are still hosted on MapBox.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Earthquakes - Exam 2

Created using USGS .csv data loaded into TileMill. Incorporated a lot of customization based on attributes and zoom level. Toyed with a premade legend a bit. I played around with Google Charts a bit trying to see if I could incorporate one into this map, but couldn't figure that out quickly enough. I'll try again later.

The map itself shows earthquakes within the past 30 days (with data from December 4th, 2012). The larger and redder a point is, the greater the magnitude of that earthquake. Mousover shows location and magnitude. In order to upload the map faster I cut off one layer of zoom level.

Meant to fulfill the requirements for Exam 2.